Jag har fått äran att intervjua Carlos Gómez , Presidente of the Cantabria Nobility Corp.
Jag trodde först att han var medlem av frimurare fast i Spanien det visade sig att jag hade helt fel.
Frimurare är en kristen orden som är till för dig som vill bli medlem och utvecklas som människa. Du behöver inte redan känna någon eller bli rekommenderad. Utan du kan ansöka och få faddrar hos dem. Deras logga är också ett rött kors som ser mer ut som en adlig symbol korsning kristen kors. Så detta passar dem väldigt väl.
Jag själv följer redan Cantabria Nobility corp och har gjort det nu i flera år och därför också kommit i kontakt med dem. Jag fick denna ärbara intervju av en av dem som har följt mig sedan en tid tillbaka. Jag har då ställt vissa frågor och då även fått svar på engelska så det är ett plus om ni kan tala engelska vilket de flesta människorna gör.
Jag ville veta mer om hans egna intressen och vem han är förutom denna orden han är medlem i. För visst väcker de en nyfikenhet att veta mer om de adliga som bor i Spanien. De är ju fortfarande monarki och därför är det också ett kall att få vara med i en sådan grupp av adliga personer. Jag vet ej om folk som är utanför adeln får vara med som medlemmar. För att bli frimurare i Sverige krävs ingen adlig bakgrund vilket jag tycker är bra för man rår ju inte över vem man föds till.
How did you become a member of Freemason
I am not a freemason member, it was a funny confussion for me but a Spanish Nobility Corp is NOT a mason organization, nothing to do with that. a Spanish Nobility Corp, like Cantabria Nobility Corp is, is a noblemen association which defends and promote de nobility values like : loyalty, monarchy, faith, honesty….and which certify the nobility of its members, so in fact, is a nobility certification” office” and also a social private very special club. So to be admitted is not about mason ceremonies or something like that, it is required to proof nobility blood or at least a true knight title. What is more, we are mostly Roman Catholic as Spanish nobility always traditionally was.
What degree do you have
I became memeber because i am noble by father line and also by mother line, i have a small foreign title and also i have the personal nobility according our own traditional criteria . Today i am President of the Cantabria Nobility Corp for the 2017-2022. we will see in the future.
What are you members doing?
The Cantabria Nobility Corps members do many charity activites given a lot of money to different causes: covid 19, Ukraine, Storms in Czech, food for poor people…and also promoting Spanish culture and monarchy in foreign countries and inside Spain as well .
What are you doing for a living?
I work for the Spanish Ministry of Justice, presidency of the Cantabria Nobility Corp is not a job it is a hobby, i do not know if this the exactly english word, but is ok.
Do you have contact with the royal family in Spain?
When Cantabria Nobility Corp was founded we send the usual presentation to the Royal House as it is normal in this cases, we participated in the founds collecting organized by order of His Majesty the King during covid 19 crisis, so we have a respectfully relation with Royal House and the another nobility Corps. Obviously, we have NOT at all a professional or a personnal relationship with royal family , as it has to be
What are your interests
My personnal interest are not important, we are talking about Corp, not about me. Corp is now completing its Consejo Magistral, it means five royal blood princes who were our supreme honorary committee , we have already three imperial princes and we would love having two more to complete it. Also we are organizing more charity activities, and some social events in autunm this year.
What did your parents work with
My parents are more than 80 years old, they do not work anymore, my father had a group of several enterprises but now he is retired, my mother never had a external remunerated job, she was a wonderful mother that was also a great job i guess.
What schools did you go to
I have studied laws in Unviersity of Cantabria, also a Expert university degree in European Law, a Expert University degree in technology in public administration and a phd in human resources (currently in progress).